We finished up painting our watercolor landscapes.
We hung the finished paintings in the hall.
Didn't they turn out beautifully?
I am so impressed with how far the students have come.
I hope they continue to work on their art and remember that they can always be artists!
March 13, 2012-Watercolor Landscapes
After a lesson about the watercolor techniques, I brought in postcards of painted landscapes by famous artists like Monet, Van Gogh and Renoir.
Each student chose a postcard to try and recreate.
I encouraged creativity and told the students to pick a place they would want to visit.
The students were so quiet and diligent as they worked. It was amazing to see how thoughtful and careful they were as they painted.
We talked about using the techniques we learned from the previous lesson and implementing them into the landscape paintings. A lot of students liked using smaller brushstrokes to mimic the impressionist painters.
They looked so great!
March 8, 2012-Watercolor Techniques
We started watercolors this day.
The night before class I drew a 12-square grid on each student's watercolor paper.
It made things a lot easier for class.
As a class we filled each square with a different technique.
I stood at the board and showed everyone an example and the students followed along.
In the top squares we did a flat wash, wet-on-wet, and graded wash.
Next down we did a glaze, mingled wash, and calligraphic line.
Third down we did alcohol [this was everybody's favorite!],
white crayon resist, and salt [another cool one].
The bottom row we did dry brush, splatter,
and then the students had the chance to make up their own technique.
I think watercolor is everybody's favorite thing we've done so far.
A lot of students have their own sets at home and they love practicing these techniques.